Processing Fees
Window of Midwifery Journal (WoMJ) is a self-supporting organization and does not receive funding from any institution / government. Therefore, Journal management is only financed by the processing fee received from the author. Script processing fees are required to meet operational costs such as employee salaries, internet services, web development, application development and support, etc. Being Open Access Publishers, Academic Journals do not accept subscription payments because journals can be accessed freely over the internet.
Authors are required to pay a very affordable manuscript processing fee to process their articles. However, there is no submission fee.
Authors are required to make payments only after their submission is received for publication. Processing Cost and Script Issuing Rp. 300.000 (Three Hundred Thousand Rupiah).
All processing fees should be through money transfer in the name:
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Nama Rekening : PKPJ FKM UMI
No. Rekening : 7777201888
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