Education of Adolescents in Improving Knowledge about Mental Health at SMAN 8 Maros


  • Idhar Darlis Fakultas Kesehatan UPRI
  • Tenri Diah T.A Fakultas Kesehatan UPRI
  • Adhinda Putri Fakultas Kesehatan UPRI
  • Sri Reskiani Kas Fakultas Kesehatan UPRI
  • Putri Yanti Fakultas Kesehatan UPRI
  • Asna Ampang Allo Fakultas Kesehatan UPRI
  • Musyahidah Mustakim Fakultas Kesehatan UPRI



mental health, knowladge, teeneger


Adolescence is especially important for improving mental health because more than 50% of mental health problems begin at that time and many of them persist into adulthood. The increasing cases of adolescent mental disorders indicate a lack of effective mental health care for adolescents. This is clearly an important issue that has an impact on the mental development of teenagers. Addressing adolescent mental health is by increasing knowledge about the problem. The focus of this activity is to increase teenagers' knowledge about mental health and its impacts. The methods used in this activity are lectures and discussions. With a total of 60 teenagers participating, the education was carried out at SMAN 8 Maros. The results obtained after the education was carried out were an increase in the level of knowledge of teenagers regarding mental health and its impacts and how to deal with it. Advice to teenagers is expected to disseminate the information that has been obtained to other teenagers.


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