Window of Community Dedication Journal <p><strong>Window of Community Dedication Journal </strong> Merupakan Jurnal Ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Pusat Kajian dan Pengelola Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia. Proses penerbitan articlenya telah melalui proses peer review,. jurnal Wocdj memilik ISSN <strong><a href="">2721-3307.</a></strong> Menerbitkan artikel kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat bidang Kesehatan, Pendidikan, Sosial, Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia, Teknologi Tepat Guna, Pertanian dan Hukum. Jurnal ini telah berkolaborasi dengan organisasi kesehatan masyarakat PERSAKMI, dengan Nomor :<strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">03/KEP/PP-PERSAKMI/C/IX/2018</a>. </strong>Kini Jurnal Wocd Terbit 2 Kali Setahun Yakni Bulan Juni Dan Desember</p> en-US (Alfina Baharuddin) (Fatma Jama) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Socialization of Rhodamin B and Methanil Yellow Hazardous Snacks to Elementary School Students <p><em>The presence of snack sellers is an important factor because it is related to food intake for students.&nbsp; Activities at school have taken up a large amount of time in daily activities, including eating activities.&nbsp; In general, school children, in addition to consuming food at home, also have the habit of buying snacks at school.&nbsp; In general, the sellers of snacks with ingredients that are harmful to health argue because they do not know the existence of illegal BTP in the raw materials of the snacks they sell. The partner problems are: Many unhealthy snacks are sold at school and the habit of students snacking at school without bringing their own lunch from home. There is no media from the school to transfer knowledge about healthy snacks. The school is not able to prohibit snacks sellers around the school considering that most snacks sellers are local residents around the school. Schools do not have the capacity to educate students and do not have the capacity to train school canteen managers to provide healthy snacks. Canteen managers have not implemented personal hygiene and food safety measures<strong>.</strong></em></p> Andi Nurlinda, Farihah Muhsanah Fadil, Rahmawati Ramli Copyright (c) 2024 Window of Community Dedication Journal Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Socialization Of Safety Riding On Senior High School Students Using Lecture Method And Audiovisual Media <p><em>Safety and security are the main things that need to be considered when driving on the road, both for four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicle users. The risk factors for traffic injuries include various aspects, one of which is human error. Teenagers need to be coached and given good guidance to be more careful when driving. The aim of this community service is to increase the knowledge of youth groups regarding safety riding at SMAN 10 Makassar. The method provided in implementing this socialization is in the form of a lecture method and audiovisual media which is divided into 3 stages. Stage 1 preparation includes determining the schedule and preparing educational tools and instruments. Stage 2 of implementation includes a pre-test providing counseling material, a question and answer session and discussion as well as a post-test. Stage 3 is the evaluation stage. The results obtained show that there is an influence of providing lecture and audiovisual method counseling on the knowledge of students at SMAN 10 Makassar with the results of the Wilcpxon Test obtaining a p value (0.001).</em></p> Adhinda Putri, Putri Yanti, Musyahidah Mustakim, Tenri Diah T.A, Asna Ampang Allo, Idhar Darlis, Ibnul Aljauzi Amri Copyright (c) 2024 Window of Community Dedication Journal Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Processed Moringa Tea and Chips as Anti-Oxidants for Health in Improving the Immune System <p><em>Moringa is loaded with phytonutrients, which are plant-based nutrients believed to have health-supporting effects. The partner problems are: There is still low public knowledge about the diversification of moringa leaf processing into advanced processed products, so an activity is needed that can increase public knowledge about various processed products that can be developed from moringa so that the economic value of moringa leaves can be increased, Moringa leaves have a lot of nutritional content that is good for the body, and are still underutilized by farmers, especially housewives.... Lack of development of moringa potential as an alternative food source and processed substitute for various kinds of food products. The need for innovation of highly nutritious processed menus using local raw materials (Moringa) in order to produce superior products. The level of consumer interest in moringa product processing and moringa powder capsules has not been found. The solutions offered are: Application of appropriate technology in the form of techniques for utilizing environmentally friendly natural ingredients, Counseling on natural ingredients as an effort to increase community knowledge and understanding of the importance of utilizing natural ingredients in everyday life, Training on appropriate technology for making moringa tea as an antioxidant drink Extension method in the form of video playback on the technique of making TEKOR (moringa tea)</em></p> Alfina Baharuddin, Suharni A. Fachrin, Yuliati Yuliati, Nia Karuniawati Copyright (c) 2024 Window of Community Dedication Journal Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Education on Long-Term Contraceptive Methods (MKJP) for Pregnant Women in Samata sub-district, Somba Opu district, Gowa. <p>According to the effectiveness of the duration of contraceptive methods, there are two types, namely long-term contraceptive methods (MKJP) and non-MKJP. Long-term contraceptive methods are contraceptives that can be used for a long period of time, more than two years, are effective and efficient for the purpose of spacing births for more than 3 years or ending pregnancies in couples who no longer want to have more children. The types of methods included in this group are stable contraceptive methods (male and female), implants and intrauterine devices (IUD). Based on Indonesian family profile data in 2018, the type of contraceptive chosen by MKJP family planning participants is still very low, namely 17.8% of the total number of modern family planning participants and 82.19% use non-MKJP family planning. One factor that influences contraceptive use is knowledge. Limited knowledge will influence the mother's choice of contraceptive method. Correct knowledge about family planning programs, including various types of contraception, will increase community participation in family planning programs, therefore it is necessary to<br />provide education to increase PUS knowledge regarding long-term contraceptive methods (PUS). Partner Problems: Lack of knowledge regarding long-term contraceptive methods even though the majority of PUS choose to use MKJP. The results of the activities that have been carried out show that PUS knowledge has changed, where the average pre-test result is 81% with sufficient knowledge and after being given education regarding long-term contraceptive<br />methods (MKJP), the results have changed to 95% with good knowledge</p> Nia Karuniawati, Andi Masnilawati, Sitti Hadriyanti Hamang Copyright (c) 2024 Window of Community Dedication Journal Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Healthy snacks education for elementary school students through picture storybooks <p><em>The presence of hawkers is an important factor because it is related to food intake for students.&nbsp; Activities at school have taken up a considerable amount of time in daily activities, including eating activities.&nbsp; In general, school children, in addition to consuming food at home, also have the habit of buying snacks at school.&nbsp; The presence of snack sellers is an important factor because it is related to food intake for students.&nbsp; Activities at school have taken up a large amount of time in daily activities, including eating activities.&nbsp; In general, school children, in addition to consuming food at home, also have the habit of buying snacks at school.&nbsp; In general, the sellers of snacks with ingredients that are harmful to health argue because they do not know the existence of illegal BTP in the raw materials of the snacks they sell.</em></p> <p><em>The partner problems are: Many unhealthy snacks are sold at school and the habit of students snacking at school without bringing their own lunch from home. There is no media from the school to transfer knowledge about healthy snacks. The school is not able to prohibit snacks sellers around the school considering that most snacks sellers are local residents around the school. Schools do not have the capacity to educate students and do not have the capacity to train school canteen managers to provide healthy snacks. Canteen managers have not implemented personal hygiene and food safety measures<strong>.</strong></em></p> Yuliati Yuliati, Alfina Baharuddin, Andi Nurlinda Copyright (c) 2024 Window of Community Dedication Journal Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000